Wednesday 31 August 2016

End of semester.

My Words

After 14 weeks of lecture and tutorial, finally we come to the end of the semester. I still could vividly recall the first day of class. At first, I was thinking ‘what subject is it actually? LOL’. After attending the first class, I was getting clearer picture. Perhaps it is relating media and culture. I still have some doubt in my mind.

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After few lessons, I got to know that we have to relate all the current issue, history which happened in past and so on. To be honest, I am not person who will focus on those political issue. However, now I am very thankful. Because of this subject, I start to concern on our own political issue. Besides that, I really enjoyed the way of conducting lecture and tutorial class. For example, we were given chance to debate during the tutorial class. This is one of the ways to let student to brainstorm. Asian students are very shy or refuse to share their thought and opinions in public. Same goes to me. 

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After taking this subject, I start to learn to express my own opinions and thought. It is a good thing for myself. I am appreciated every learning chance. Thank you to all lecturers, tutor and God.Besides that, I am very thankful to have such amazing lecturers in my university life. 

-Words to lecturers and tutors-

Thank you Dr Carmen for being so patient and responsible.
When we are not understand certain things, you are being so patient and explain it again. Thank you very much.

Thank you Dr Andrew for being so helpful and enthusiastic.
You always stand by us when we are in trouble. Thank you very much. You are like our papa as well. xD

Thank you Miss Ezzati for being so supportive and trustworthy.
Sometimes, you are still willing to spend time with us when you are rushing on time.

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Sincerely, I have met with very good lecturers in this semester. 

Thank you for having all of you.

Freedom Film Festival

Freedom FilmFest

This year, the theme is ‘What Lies Beneath’. I came to the screening on the first day of Freedom FilmFest. There are opening ceremony going on after dinner time. The organization team was giving speech on stage and explaining on this year theme.

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We had watched three films which are ‘Kisah Ayahku’, ‘Unlocking  Bengoh’, ‘Kisah Pelayaran Ke Terengganu’. I like ‘Kisah Ayahku’ the most. This film is discussing on the Malaysia’s Internal Security Act. People is sent to jail without any reason and they all are under torture. Here is another issue raised again. Torture! This has been discussed for many years. Torture is a crime actually and it shouldn’t be happened. Sometimes people are afraid of speaking their thoughts or opinions. We should protect our own human rights.  Voice out if there is necessary. The issue which stated in the film is communist leanings. The detainees all are under threaten. We should magnify this issue and try to apply to today’s society. Back then, they are afraid of voicing out. Now, some people dare to do so but they will definitely send to jail. So, as young generation, we need to learn to protect our own human right.
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After attending this Freedom FilmFest, I have a strong feeling which I would like to be part of this big family. I read the programmes book and found that there will be film screening tour in different locations such as Johor Bahru and Muar. My hometown is Muar and the screening date is on 25/9/2016. I wanted to be helper and Dr Andrew helped me to contact the director. Thank you very much. They were giving me a fast response, saying that they lack of helpers. I am so lucky and I am very excited towards the film screening at Muar. I think this festival did raise awareness among the society. People starts to realise the importance of human rights. I am so glad to attend this event.

Class Presentation

Class Presentation

After few weeks of preparation, finally it is time for us to submit the last assignment. On the assignment submission date, we are asked to do a presentation. My group is doing on human right topics. The issue related is Teoh Beng Hock’s case. Before we submit the assignments, we did a lot of research on this issue. We went to visit the Teoh Beng Hock’s exhibition and interviewed with people who are knowledgeable in this area. We are very interested in this issue, Teoh Beng Hock’s case so we choose this.

My group was doing a short play.
(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

At first, we planned to do a very normal presentation.( Typical one will be showing slides and explaining. ) After that, I discussed with one of the classmates (other group members). Well, I know it sounds weird because I discussed with other group members. I can explain this. Lol. Jia Wen’s group was doing on abusive of power. Their issue is similar to us. So, sometimes we will share the information or articles that we had read. After long brainstorming session, we decided to put in an opening, a play. We practised it for one hour only. So, the outcome is not same as our expectation. However, at least we’ve tried something new when doing on presentation.

(Photo credit goes to Dr Andrew)

I am impressed by my classmates’ presentation as well. I like two groups of presentation specially. Of course other groups did a good job as well. First group is Simon’s group. Their group is doing on LGBT issue. They did a very good job. They were showing a 15 minutes play. In order to let audiences to have more understanding, they did narration. Their acting skills have improved as well. We had been in the class for one year. Sometimes, we get to know each other. Everyone is improving compared with year one sem one.

(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

Besides that, another group which had impressed me is Stella’s 
group. This group was discussing on issue from Kampung Hakka, 
Mantin. I like their video. I can understand the issue and get to know what is happening there from watching the video only. It proves that the video they made was very successful. It is successfully to deliver the message. Another thing I would like to emphasize on is the voice over by our cute Stella Chan. I think she did a great job. From radio broadcasting until this assignment, she did improved a lot. She is my role model. I can learn many things from her. Especially when the whole production is going on. I would like to thank her here. Thank you for being so helpful and friendly when I need help.

(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

In conclusion, I think every group did a great job. Everyone puts a lot of effort. Of course we are going to face many problems while doing the assignments. For example, peer pressure and communication problems. However, this is another chance for us to learn. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to my group for cooperation. Good Job, everyone. I love all of you, my classmates. 

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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Puteri Gunung Ledang

Puteri Gunung Ledang

We watched a local film, “Puteri Gunung Ledang. In English, it is named as Legend of Gunung Ledang. This film won 5 awards at Malaysia Film Festival in 2004 including best director, best screenplay, best art direction, best music score.

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To be honest, this is first time I’ve watched a complete Malay film. Previously, I never watch a Malays film from beginning until the end. This time, I watched it completely. I am so surprised that this film is very good in term of settings, storylines and so on.

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The story itself is set during the rule of Sultan of Malacca and Javanese kingdom of Majapahit. The main focus is featured the romantic relationship between Laksamana and the Princess of Gunung Ledang.Gustri Putri is the princess of Majapahit kingdom and she has fallen in love with Hang Tuah. At that time, there is conflict happened between two kingdoms. In order to avoid this happening, Gusti Adipati offers his sisters to marry with the Prince of Demak.

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Here is the conflict happened between Hang Tuah and Gustri Putri. Hang Tuah is the Laksamana of this kingdom and his responsibility is to follow Sultan’s orders.To show his loyalty, he leads the convoy up to the Mount Ledang to present the royal proposal. However, Hang Tuah actually still has feeling with Puteri. He feels very guilty and the end he resigns from his post and throws his Taming Sari Kris into the river.
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We can see the same conflict happened in today’s society. For example, the lower status people don’t have their own right to voice out their own opinions and thought. Those who have higher status always overusing their power. Nowadays, as the citizen, even the beggars also have the rights to voice out their opinions. We should live in a balanced society.

This is a nice film and it is worth to watch again. 

Saturday 20 August 2016



The discussion on colours was carried on 24 June 2016 tutorial class. Dr Carmen was discussing on the representation of colours, the association of colours, meaning of colours, formal and contextual analysis of colours. We were asked to form in a group of 5 to discuss on this.

Every colour has its own meaning and it can vary depending on culture and circumstances. In psychology perspective, colours dedicates different meanings. For example, red colour is colour of energy, passion, action, ambition and determination. It is also the colour of anger and sexual passion.

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Every group has to discuss on one colour and my group was asked to do on green. It was so interesting as different people will relate it to different things in their first minds. When it comes to Green colour, the first thing which crossed my mind is jealousy. Some of them think of animals such as caterpillar, frog, snake and chameleon. In other hands, some of them start to think of brands and products which are related to green colour. For example, Starbucks and Heineken use green logo.

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After we listed our many examples of ‘GREEN’, it is our brainstorming time. We start to think the reason behind it. For example, Starbucks’s logo is green. When I go back home, I do some research. I found that the colour chosen is very important in marketing and advertising. People will easy to notice green logo as it connects to natural, instructional vibe. According to some research, it stated that colour increases brand recognition by up to 80% and colour can be up to 85% of the reason people decide to buy. It is because colour trigger our emotions.

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Besides that, we also think of social media. Nowadays, the world is overwhelmed by high technologies. Everyone is using social media such as whatsapp ,wechat and line. We can find some similarities among these three social media. That’s green colour of logo. Green is psychologically denotes as the colour of balance.

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People is also easily linking it to parties in Malaysia or current issue. PAS (Parti Islam Se Malaysia) itself has its own green flag.

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In conclusion, every colour has its own meaning. The choice of using certain colour has its own reason behind it. 

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Sunday 31 July 2016

1984 Here and Now

1984 Here and Now

1984 Here and Now, a play by well-known Malaysian political writer Kee Thuan Chye. It is adapted from George Orwell’s novel 1984. New Era College is staging this play from 28 July 2016 until 31 July 2016.

The venue is Black Box Theatre. I was very excited because it was my first time to visit Black Box Theatre. The Black Box Theatre is really awesome. It is an empty and large room with black walls. The design of scene are set freely. We went to watch the first show on Thursday night.  I am really impressed by the environment. It was so cool. 

The issue raised in this play is the culture of fear imposed by the ‘Big Brother’ (Mahathir government). People are so afraid of broadcasting controversial issue. Besides that, the racial discrimination is mentioned in this play as well. It is scripted in 1984 and now it is 2016. Obviously, all of these problems are not yet solved. These problems are still existing. There are some racial issues as well. For example, lion dance is banned and not allowed to perform in public. In my opinion, the problems are not solved when another is coming. 

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Back then, people has no freedom of speak. In fact, we have but we shouldn’t. Now, we still encounter the problems. For example, the Malaysia artist is arrested under sedition act. 

(Words from Mr Kee)

After I watched this play, I start to think. As a Malaysian, what can I do for my country? The statistic showed economic has dramatic dropped. Seriously, Malaysia is currently facing some real challenges. Falling value of the ringgit, education system………… 

This flow of this play is good. In fact, I feel like two hours of show is not enough as it was too awesome. The first thought came to my mind. I was thinking that, ‘Am I choosing the right course?’ Now, I am studying broadcasting. It is mainly focused on backstage work such as technical stuffs, editing, production house and so on. My main interest is performing arts. Back then, I was so not brave enough to choose performing arts as the job opportunity is very less. However, I am strongly interested in doing these. (acting, singing and dancing). On the show day, I made friends with someone who is studying performing art. The feeling is so good when talking with someone has same interest with me.

Photos with all the actors and actresses.

Besides that, I found that there are many similar issue which mentioned by Dr Carmen in class. For example, people wearing other races’ traditional costume. In my own perspective, I think it is nothing wrong to wear other races’ traditional costume or acting as other races.  I don’t feel weird about it. Instead, I am used to it. My mother always wear Malay costume such as Baju Kebaya, Baju Kurung, selendang and so on. She has more Malay costume than Chinese wearing. In my opinion, we can’t limit other people’s interest.

(Photo of my mother and queen of Johor.)

(Photo of my mother and King of Johor.)

In addition, I think that the language used is quite difficult to understand. For the whole show, they used Mandarin to communicate and their standard is so high level. Sometimes, I can’t get the meaning of certain sentences. I also agreed with Dr Carmen. Language is very important. For those who are English educated, they can’t really understand the play. We must have one national language or any common language which everyone can communicate. For example, one of my family members can’t understand Mandarin and whenever we speak in Mandarin, he will feel very frustrated and annoying. He even exit our family whatsapp group. He told me that it is very annoying to see those Chinese character and he doesn’t really understand what we are talking about.

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I would like to thank all the actresses and actors for showing such a good performance. The lighting and technical not bad. At least, I am satisfied with it. However, the seating is not so comfortable. I was sitting on the floor and there is no enough space. So, we have to squeeze like a ‘ satin fish’. Except this, everything is pretty good. Let us work hard and take action for brighter future. 

(Retrieved from 1984 Here and Now FB Page)

Sunday 17 July 2016

Main Puteri

Main Puteri

From the documentary, I understand more about ‘Main Puteri’. It is indigenous Kelantanese healing ceremony in which the bomoh, the sick individual and other participants become spirit-medium through whom puteri are able to enact a permainan. I found that actually it is quite similar to Chinese folk religion, ‘tangki’ (In Hokkien). They are the person who believed to have chosen by god. Some believer did look for ‘tangki’ to treat illness. Sometimes they are suspected to be ‘kong tao’ (Black magic). It is kinda interesting to find the similarity among religions. Perhaps I should go and read up more cultural related issue. Besides that, UTAR students did a great job. I hope to be like them in future.

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I have questions!

  1. I am impressed by the editing techniques. May I know how do you edit the earth part and slowly linked to the road pathway?
  2. What inspired you to select this issue for your FYP? 

Monday 4 July 2016

Viral, Sial !

Viral, Sial !

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Last week, we had a film screening at our university. The film we’d watched is “Viral, Sial!” This film is directed by David Buri and it is listed in Freedom FilmFest 2015. The whole documentary is talking about Aisyah Tajuddin, BFM journalist gets death, rape threats over questioning hudud and unresolved issues in Kelantan of poverty, high unemployment and homelessness. 

Director, David Buri
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Now, let us discussed on the first issue. Aisyah Tajuddin’s case brings a big concern in town. The video titled “Hudud Isi Periuk Nasi? ”, which means “Does hudud fill our rice bowls?” She is pointing out that Kelantan people is facing many problems such as homelessness due to flood happened. Many of them are starving and suffering. However, at the same moment, people are emphasizing on the Islamic law, hudud.

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In my opinion, they are focusing on the wrong things. They should solve the more important issue first. I am not Muslim and I might not really understand about the hudud. I did some research via internet. Hudud is an Islamic law which Kelantan State of Legislature is practising the Syariah Criminal Enactment Law. I can’t deny that religion is super important. However, instead of protecting their own rights and laws, they should save the people’s lives first. People’s lives are more important than that. If they can’t survive and the mortality rate is keep increasing, you will have no one to pass it down to next generations.

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Like what Aisyah mentioned in the video, “Slowly, religion is used to distract the people from important issues like the economy and governance.” Some of the people said she is insulting Islam because she has exposed the sensitivity over Islamic law in Malaysia. Well, we think in another perspective. I am a Buddhist. If today government prohibits eating vegetarian, the reason is we must follow the Islamic system in this country. At the same time, the natural disaster is happened. I definitely will care about the latter issue.

Religions in the world.
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The same questions again…..Freedom of speak? Human Right? Religions? Future of our country? People living? 

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Monday 27 June 2016

Bukan Budaya Kita

Who we are? BUKAN BUDAYA KITA???!!!

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I've read through the 'Bukan Budaya Kita' written by Kathy Rowland. This article is mainly discussed on the national cultural policy. It is a policy enacted since independence in 1971 as there is no way in creating a national culture. In 1971, the prime minister is Abdul Razak Hussein. It emphasizes the importance of cultural politics and race a greater emphasis on economic government.

 Tun Abdul Razak Hussein was the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, ruling from 1970 to 1976
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There are 3 main principles of National Cultural Policy.

1. Based on the culture of the people in this region

-The empire of Malacca was well known mainly as a centre for development and dissemination of culture.
-The culture of the people in this region has been integrated into the national culture.

In simple way to say, it means assimilation of non-Malays into the Malay ethnic group

2. Other cultures elements.

-Other foreign cultural elements, China, India, and other foreign countries.
-The suitability and acceptance of the cultures is depends on non-existence of contradictions in the constitution.

3. Islam became an important element in the development of national culture.

-Malaysia should be an Islamic country
-Adoption other cultures practices that not contradict to Islamic cultural practices.

Some politician said it is based on the existing indigenous culture within the region of Malaysia.

I personally disagreed with this national cultural policy. Both Chinese and Indians have questioned the policy and its exclusions. Our country, Malaysia is made up of multi races. So, the cultural problems sometimes are can't avoided but people must learn how to tolerant and respect others culture. As it is multi-races country, Malaysia is a multi-cultural society as well. I don’t really see a clear outcome of what national cultural policy mentioned. This may not be the main elements to unite the Malaysia culture. Yes, Malays are the biggest population in our country but we still have Chinese and Indian. Everyone has freedom to choose their own religions. However, this policy is practising the integration of Islam influence. Government has the power to set the official state religion and official language in Malaysia but the Constitution of Malaysia guarantees freedom of religion. We must make a clear statement or difference between Malay culture and Malaysian culture. We are unite as one Malaysia but not Malay. 

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I’ve read through some comments via online sources. One of the girls said that:” This policy must exist because other races start to influence Malays women‘s wearing styles. Nowadays, many Malay women are not wearing their own culture wear. They are becoming more modern. If you don’t have a strong believing in yourself, you don’t blame on others. In fact, they are influenced by other races culture but it is not because of other races purposely influence Malays. According to Abu Talib Ahmad, the need to handle culture with great sensitivity without any enforced assimilation while the content of culture must be decided by an ongoing dialogue.
If a Malay woman doesn't wear tudung, you also can't categorize her as a non-respect Muslim. Last year, our Johor Princess was judged by some citizens. They said that, ' Tunku Aminah doesn't cover her head by wearing tudung. However, Prince of Johor, Tunku Idris had taken to social media to defend his sister's wearing. He went on to vouch for his sister, saying that she prayed more than some of those who were tudung and that she wore a selendang at all religious events. So, sometimes please don't judge a book by its cover. 

Tunku Tun Aminah, Princess of Johor
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Well, I know I am slowly out of topic. Back to the issue again. 

During that time, Chinese and Indian communities were quick to register their dissatisfaction over the national cultural policy. The lion king was banned at that period of time. This brought up a lot of anger. I am totally doubt with this statement. Every races protect their own culture and religions. They are just protecting their performing art.

During 1990, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad rejected this approach with his Bangsa Malaysia policy emphasising a Malaysian instead of Malay identity for the state. Therefore, he came out with the Wawasan 2020. The first challenge is establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysian. I agree with this. If you forced someone to receive what they don’t really wish to, it ends up will brought up many problems. 

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad
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4 years to year 2020. Will this vision be possible? I see low possibility. Even Dr Mahathir also is pessimistic in achieving unity through the introduction of Bangsa Malaysia. We are facing so many issues such as restrictions on human rights and media freedom. While the issue is raised by someone, he or she might face difficulties in life. 

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Different prime ministers have different way of controlling the country. Tun Haji Abdul Razak introduced National Cultural Policy. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad introduced Bangsa Malaysia. And now we are creating a culture of fear. Everyone please think wisely. Why this situation becomes worse? Everyone in this land has responsibility. Yes, we can’t change the rules or laws in this country but at least we must learn to tolerate among all races. Learn to respect, Learn to tolerate. We can’t predict our country’s future but at least we are changing in a better way.