Sunday 31 July 2016

1984 Here and Now

1984 Here and Now

1984 Here and Now, a play by well-known Malaysian political writer Kee Thuan Chye. It is adapted from George Orwell’s novel 1984. New Era College is staging this play from 28 July 2016 until 31 July 2016.

The venue is Black Box Theatre. I was very excited because it was my first time to visit Black Box Theatre. The Black Box Theatre is really awesome. It is an empty and large room with black walls. The design of scene are set freely. We went to watch the first show on Thursday night.  I am really impressed by the environment. It was so cool. 

The issue raised in this play is the culture of fear imposed by the ‘Big Brother’ (Mahathir government). People are so afraid of broadcasting controversial issue. Besides that, the racial discrimination is mentioned in this play as well. It is scripted in 1984 and now it is 2016. Obviously, all of these problems are not yet solved. These problems are still existing. There are some racial issues as well. For example, lion dance is banned and not allowed to perform in public. In my opinion, the problems are not solved when another is coming. 

(Retrieved from

Back then, people has no freedom of speak. In fact, we have but we shouldn’t. Now, we still encounter the problems. For example, the Malaysia artist is arrested under sedition act. 

(Words from Mr Kee)

After I watched this play, I start to think. As a Malaysian, what can I do for my country? The statistic showed economic has dramatic dropped. Seriously, Malaysia is currently facing some real challenges. Falling value of the ringgit, education system………… 

This flow of this play is good. In fact, I feel like two hours of show is not enough as it was too awesome. The first thought came to my mind. I was thinking that, ‘Am I choosing the right course?’ Now, I am studying broadcasting. It is mainly focused on backstage work such as technical stuffs, editing, production house and so on. My main interest is performing arts. Back then, I was so not brave enough to choose performing arts as the job opportunity is very less. However, I am strongly interested in doing these. (acting, singing and dancing). On the show day, I made friends with someone who is studying performing art. The feeling is so good when talking with someone has same interest with me.

Photos with all the actors and actresses.

Besides that, I found that there are many similar issue which mentioned by Dr Carmen in class. For example, people wearing other races’ traditional costume. In my own perspective, I think it is nothing wrong to wear other races’ traditional costume or acting as other races.  I don’t feel weird about it. Instead, I am used to it. My mother always wear Malay costume such as Baju Kebaya, Baju Kurung, selendang and so on. She has more Malay costume than Chinese wearing. In my opinion, we can’t limit other people’s interest.

(Photo of my mother and queen of Johor.)

(Photo of my mother and King of Johor.)

In addition, I think that the language used is quite difficult to understand. For the whole show, they used Mandarin to communicate and their standard is so high level. Sometimes, I can’t get the meaning of certain sentences. I also agreed with Dr Carmen. Language is very important. For those who are English educated, they can’t really understand the play. We must have one national language or any common language which everyone can communicate. For example, one of my family members can’t understand Mandarin and whenever we speak in Mandarin, he will feel very frustrated and annoying. He even exit our family whatsapp group. He told me that it is very annoying to see those Chinese character and he doesn’t really understand what we are talking about.

(Retrieved from

I would like to thank all the actresses and actors for showing such a good performance. The lighting and technical not bad. At least, I am satisfied with it. However, the seating is not so comfortable. I was sitting on the floor and there is no enough space. So, we have to squeeze like a ‘ satin fish’. Except this, everything is pretty good. Let us work hard and take action for brighter future. 

(Retrieved from 1984 Here and Now FB Page)

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