Wednesday 31 August 2016

Class Presentation

Class Presentation

After few weeks of preparation, finally it is time for us to submit the last assignment. On the assignment submission date, we are asked to do a presentation. My group is doing on human right topics. The issue related is Teoh Beng Hock’s case. Before we submit the assignments, we did a lot of research on this issue. We went to visit the Teoh Beng Hock’s exhibition and interviewed with people who are knowledgeable in this area. We are very interested in this issue, Teoh Beng Hock’s case so we choose this.

My group was doing a short play.
(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

At first, we planned to do a very normal presentation.( Typical one will be showing slides and explaining. ) After that, I discussed with one of the classmates (other group members). Well, I know it sounds weird because I discussed with other group members. I can explain this. Lol. Jia Wen’s group was doing on abusive of power. Their issue is similar to us. So, sometimes we will share the information or articles that we had read. After long brainstorming session, we decided to put in an opening, a play. We practised it for one hour only. So, the outcome is not same as our expectation. However, at least we’ve tried something new when doing on presentation.

(Photo credit goes to Dr Andrew)

I am impressed by my classmates’ presentation as well. I like two groups of presentation specially. Of course other groups did a good job as well. First group is Simon’s group. Their group is doing on LGBT issue. They did a very good job. They were showing a 15 minutes play. In order to let audiences to have more understanding, they did narration. Their acting skills have improved as well. We had been in the class for one year. Sometimes, we get to know each other. Everyone is improving compared with year one sem one.

(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

Besides that, another group which had impressed me is Stella’s 
group. This group was discussing on issue from Kampung Hakka, 
Mantin. I like their video. I can understand the issue and get to know what is happening there from watching the video only. It proves that the video they made was very successful. It is successfully to deliver the message. Another thing I would like to emphasize on is the voice over by our cute Stella Chan. I think she did a great job. From radio broadcasting until this assignment, she did improved a lot. She is my role model. I can learn many things from her. Especially when the whole production is going on. I would like to thank her here. Thank you for being so helpful and friendly when I need help.

(Photo credit to Dr Andrew)

In conclusion, I think every group did a great job. Everyone puts a lot of effort. Of course we are going to face many problems while doing the assignments. For example, peer pressure and communication problems. However, this is another chance for us to learn. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to my group for cooperation. Good Job, everyone. I love all of you, my classmates. 

(Retrieved from

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