Sunday 19 June 2016



What do you think is the important problem in this country today?

Here is another issue that Malaysian concerned.

There are too many Bangladeshi, Nepalese and Burmese immigrant to Malaysia. According to Deputy Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, he announced in June 2015 that a total of 1.5 million Bangladeshi nationals will be brought to Malaysia to meet the growing demands of local employers.

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It is really a big number. This number of population is as big as the population in Kelantan. Do you think that their immigration will truly help in development of our country or economic growth? 

In my opinion, majority of them come here to work as blur collar workers in various industries such as construction, marine industry and so on. Slowly, Malaysian will over-dependent on foreign workers.  Due to increase in population, many Malaysians couldn’t able to find a job. They loses many job opportunities. Instead of hiring local citizens, employers are more prefer to hire those they can pay cheaply. In the 2016 Budget, the government stipulated that the minimum wage for workers in the private sector be increased from RM 900 to RM 1,000 per month. However, this is not applied to those illegal workers. So, many employers still will hire those illegal workers because they get low pay. 

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I had talked to some young adults. In fact, the reason that they refuses to take those construction jobs is low salary pay and construction work is a dangerous land-based job. In my point of view, our government is doing some amendments on these problems. 

First of all, governments do some changes on minimum wage. According to MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, he said, ‘We have strived to reduce the number of foreign workers and hope that the increase in minimum wage will see local workers taking on these jobs and not depend on the foreign workers. ’ Besides that, government also emphasizes on the highest standard of quality, occupational safety and health and environmental practices.
So, the population of immigrants should be controlled and balanced. 

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Besides, many social problems are created. Migration across our national border by illegal immigrants strongly affects our social security and safety. Why? As some of them are doing criminal cases, cases of robbery and rape, our country safety are affected. Everything happened for a reason. I was thinking for few hours. They start to rise so many crimes because they are facing poverty. They get very low pay and they can’t afford their daily expenses. In my opinion, they are influenced by their culture and lifestyle as well such as fighting, gangster and so on. However, I am not saying that every illegal workers behave like that but some of them yes. 

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In addition, Malaysia culture will become ‘mixed’. Their immigration will create even more cultural problems than now. Our own traditional culture are started to change. For example, some Malay women are stop wearing Tudung especially when they are at outside. Besides that, some Chinese seldom wears cheongsam which is their national costume. Next, in Malaysia we are slightly facing language barrier. Even though our common language is Bahasa Melayu, some of the Chinese still couldn’t able to speak proper Bahasa Melayu. When they are talking with Malay, they are still facing language problem. For example, my grandma actually can’t speak proper Bahasa Melayu. Normally, when she talks with Malay people, their conversation are quite funny.

Malay neighbour: Aunty, you nak pergi mana?

Grandma: Wa duduk sini bagus bagus, tak pergi mana. Lu nak datang minum tak? (Wa is me in hokkien, lu is you in Hokkien)

So, if more foreign workers are moving here, we might face more cultural problem.

Another example for you.

My family hires one maid to take care of my grandma as she needs personal care services. The maid is coming from Indonesia. Indonesia language is quite different with Bahasa Melayu. For example, instead of saying kerana, they say ‘Karena’. The maid sometimes can’t even understand our words.

One day, we ask her. ‘Penat tak?’

Then she was like ‘huh, tak faham.’ My mum asks again, ‘Capik tak?’ She then can understand. It means tired.

So I am trying to say is we may face a lot of language problem here. 


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Yes, they did contribute a lot. In construction area…and so on. My friends did give some objection. They have different points of view. In their point of view, Minimum requirements must be set for their immigration. For example, those who are desired to work at here, they must meet requirements. First of all, they mentioned that they should have to own at least secondary school education level and their salary must be at least RM 2k per month or above. However, I didn’t agree with this. Why? Because if they meet these requirements, that’s mean they are working white collar workers and they are having highly skilled. Some Malaysia graduates can’t even get pay RM2k per month. If they are foreign workers with low education level, do you think the employers will pay them so ‘high’? I don’t think so. Most of the employers hire them because they can pay them low salary. If they hires local graduates, local graduates might make requests such as minimum salary and so on. 

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Besides that, they mentioned that immigration may increase competition for better future, better country. For your information, most of them are hired to work at construction sites. The development of country won’t be improved by this. In fact, a successful country has low poverty rate and focus on sustainability for future generations. 

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Why they are coming to Malaysia? In my point of view, they are facing poverty in their country and they might didn’t earn better income. Their living conditions, natural disaster… and so on. So they are here. 


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If this situation is keep on going, we might could not able to reach the challenges of Wawasan 2020. The first challenge is establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race). Now we have 3 main races and lain lain and we can see the difficulties to reach this challenge. Can you imagine if there are so many immigrants, what will happen in year 2020? Can you imagine the population of illegal workers in 20 years later? Are their existence threaten local citizens?                                                                                                                                                                   

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In conclusion, we cannot deny that foreign workers have been contributed great assistance in overcoming the labour shortage in the Malaysian construction market. However, government are encouraged to reduce the population of illegal workers and to attract more negatively local workers to the construction industry.  Illegal immigrants may affect our country. Yes, it may has pros and con but I see more con on this issue. From aspect of economic, social structure and health, it brings a lot of negative effects. Before this problem is getting more serious, government should really take some actions and overcome this problem.

We are working together for better Malaysia.

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Thank you! 

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