Tuesday 7 June 2016

First Field Trip -Art for Grabs Festival (4 June 2016)

Art for Grabs Festival

(Retrieved from http://poskod.my/top-features/poskod-journalism-campus-2016/)

On 4 June 2016, we are having our first field trip to the Art for Grabs festival in Publika. In conjunction with The Cooler Lumpur Festival, it returns with Poskod Journalism Campus. This year, they are highlighting on Malaysian Journalism. There are few talks that carried on that day such as W(h)ither Malaysian Journalism? by Jahabar Saadiq and Financing Quality Journalism.

(Retrieved from https://twitter.com/coolerlumpur.)

During our field trip in Publika, we paid quite a few visits to booths. This Art for Grabs offers a variety of art crafts, cultural souvenirs and as well as homemade arts. There are some favourite booth at the Art Fair or Book Fest. 

Stone Art Therapy

I have visited a booth which introducing a new therapy, Stone Art Therapy. At first, I was attracted by few kids who drawing on the stone by using water colours and crayons. It sounds quite interesting because instead of drawing on blank paper, they are drawing on stones. I interviewed with the inventor of this Stone Art Therapy, Miss Shawn Cheang. She introduced this awesome therapy to me. According to Miss Shawn Cheang, drawing on stones can be a natural and artistic art, which may deliver a clear message of life, such as your emotion and mentality. The concept of stone art can be derived from the inspiration of nature. This is art therapy. Miss Shawn said, “I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.” 

(This poster is drawn by the inventor of this Stone Art Therapy, Miss Shawn)

There are many benefits of Stone Art. First of all, it is one of the ways to relieve stress. Nowadays, stress is actually a normal part of life. The source of stress comes from work, family, social problems and peer pressure. So, this activity may help us to balance our emotions and improve concentration while doing work. Besides that, it helps to enhances eyes-hands coordination, improves self-confidence and self-appreciation. In addition, the person who learns this stone art therapy will be passionate about the beauty of life because the material used is one of the natural creations. Lastly, those who take part in this activity will increase in creativity after practice and unleash your talent.

(Some art work which are done by her students)

Stone Art says: “I am cold and concrete, but if you colour me with your heart, I am a beauty.” And “Everyone can be a life artist.”

(Kids are drawing on the stone.)

(Sample of Stone Art Therapy)

In my opinion, I strongly recommend this stone art therapy. As this is a very great indoor activity, people will gain a lot of fun and release tension. According to Miss Shawn, we get to understand ourselves after the art is done drawing. For example, if the student uses green colour as the background, we can get to know that the student is an energetic person but he or she might be a jealous one. From psychology perspective, we tend to know the inner characteristic of that particular person. 

For those who are interested, you may view details below.

Motivation from Andi Miranti

Here is my another favourite booth. A boy is sitting at there and drawing comics. I still could vividly remember his hardworking look. His name is Andi Miranti. He likes to draw, read and play on the computer. On that day, he was drawing several comics and his parents printed it on t shirt and notebook. They were selling these homemade art to public. According to them, at the age of 2, he was diagnosed with autism. Before he was 8 years old, it was difficult for him to write or draw due to low muscle tone. Those who suffer from this disease would have effect on their social and emotional well-being. They often experience failure in school, social and work situations. However, Andi is never giving up himself. He uses his ability and intelligence to do drawing. This is the good attitude that everybody should learn. No matter who you are or what did you experience in life, do not ever look down on yourself and kill your self-confidence. Life is good. God definitely doesn’t think that you are inferior or unimportant. When God takes something away from you, he definitely will replace something wonderful. 

(Andi Miranti's poster)

From his story or his behaviour, we can see inspiration. We get to know that being optimistic is very important. According to Demi Lovato, no matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you’ll find the positive side of things. For example, Nicholas, a young Australian was born without hands and legs. He still has strong faith and positive mind. He thinks that there is no difference between the disabled and others but what a disability only in the heart and thinking and way of life. At last, I hope that everyone can be like Andi Miranti. Seeking your own strength and survive with full of love and passion. 

I attended some talks as well. 

First talk that I attended is "It Isn’t a Crime: Re-imagining Investigative Journalism." The venue is located at Black Box and the talks started at 2.30pm. The panellists were Bernd Pickert (Die Tageszeitung), Rick Paddock (The New York Times), and R. Nadeswaran. The moderator is Sharaad Kuttan. 

Basically, the summary was talking about how investigating report is getting more difficult and dangerous in our country. Due to many restriction, laws and regulations, sometimes journalists couldn’t write the truth and they are under controlled by someone who has great power. There are many real cases happened. Some of the journalists are even threatened when they wrote down the truth. In fact, their responsibility is to write about true subject and educate the public about the current events and issue. Before that, they have to do some research and investigation. In Malaysia, there are many publications are under control. Journalists are restricted by them and asked not to fight back against the negative and untrue reviews. With respect to law, government has the right to distinguish the materials that are going to be released out. 

(Before the talk starts)

In my opinion, we have to follow laws and regulations but we also have right to voice out the truth. The truth should be known by everyone. Life is to be lived but not controlled. Perhaps this is journalist’s sorrow. 

Add caption

(Retrieved from http://www.mfwa.org/category/issues/investigative-journalism/)

Second talk that I have attended is Funning the News.The panellists are Lau Chak Onn and Harith Iskander. The moderator is Ezra Zaid. 

Panelist-Lau Chak Onn

(Retrived from http://www.voiceguild.org/talents/1579/)

Panelist-Harith Iskander

(Retrived from http://www.aforadio.com/sevent/198)

Funny News actually did attract, hold and focus attention of audience. According to many researches, people are more easily get attracted by funny news. They usually use the current breaking issues as the subject. From the talks, I get to know that there is no certain strategies or formula to be used while making jokes. If you want to impress somebody, just make them laugh. Harith Iskander is a famous comedian. I can even start laughing when I look at his expression. He is a very funny guy. I really enjoy the environment of this talk. The panelists are so energetic and active. They brought us happiness and laughter.

(During the talk)

In my opinion, sometimes joke is not the thing that make you laugh but it is intended to make you think. As I’ve mentioned, funny news is produced by modifying the current breaking issues. For example, there is something which people really care about. Funny news is one of the channel which helps to deliver the advises and comments to public. 

I never thought that I would enjoy the art exhibition so much. I am really appreciated their great contemporary artworks and every single masterpieces. 


  1. I really loved your comment: "sometimes joke is not the thing that make you laugh but it is intended to make you think" ~ this is really true because creating a joke that is successful relies a lot on knowing one's context. Only when you know your audience and your context can you be truly funny. I still remember Harith saying that funny people are smart people :)

    By the way, did you know that Andi Miranti is the son of one of your FCI lecturers, Mr Anthony Miranti? I am not sure if he has taught you yet but I am sure he will soon enough. He teaches Radio Broadcasting subjects I believe.

    Glad you enjoyed the field trip and stone art!

    1. Thanks for all your comments and encouragement. I had thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from the field trip! Sometimes learning is fun if we really enjoy it. Hahaha

      Yes, Mr Anthony taught me radio broadcasting in previous semester. He is very good indeed. I'm really touched by Andi's attitudes and behavious. Hope that he can keep polishing his drawing skills and become an artist in one day. :)

      Appreciated everything that I have :) By the way, thanks for organizing this kind of field trip. >_<
